Sold Data

Interestingly, the NWMLS is now allowing agents to list sold data on real estate websites.

Along these lines, Shelley Rossi, the Director of Public Relations for John L. Scott, emailed to let me know that John L. Scott added a comparable market analysis tool to their home search Robbie discussed last week

There are two ways to access comparable sold property information on The first is by address, which can be refined by entering property characteristics, such as square footage, bedrooms, bathrooms, etc., and the system will identify the ten closest “sold homes

8 thoughts on “Sold Data

  1. Way cool tool! So many new ways for consumers to look at real estate… 2006 is certinaly shaping up to be the year of consumer friendly internet real estate information: Zillow et al…. Whats coming up ahead? My but these are interesting times!

  2. I like the idea of the tool. The more the customer finds out for himself before buying or selling, the more he believes you when you mention price and start showing him comparables.

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